Goodbye 2017 and Welcome 2018!

Welcome 2018

In terms of events in my French-German-American life, 2017 brought lively elections along with dramatic changes in my personal life. Welcome 2018!

The Trump presidency hasn’t lacked headlines. “Only the United States could elect comedians to the highest job in the country,” my clients frequently remarked. I liked to answer that America is still the land of opportunity.

On the other side of the ocean, a 39-year-old former banker secured the French presidential election. His marriage to a teacher 24 years his senior made as many headlines as the rebukes from established parties and supported the reputation of French lovers, at least according to the impressions of my American counterparts.

As for Germany’s election, endless negotiations around a possible coalition underlined the German tendency to talk extensively before making a decision. Cliché? Obviously not, as the election was held on September 24, and Germany still doesn’t have a new chancellor and hasn’t reelected Frau Merkel.

Goodbye 2017 and welcome 2018

On a more personal note, I have been transitioning into an extended family… and am now chronically short on time. Since my family grew from 5 to 7 persons, I still wonder how to keep up with working and publishing a weekly blog while dealing with the challenges of a newly blended family.

I won’t cry over 2017. But, has the year been symbolic? In the last few days, our Christmas tree came crashing down twice, breaking cherished ornaments with each fall. Every time, I had to start decorating all over again. Believe me when I say that I’m counting the days until 2017 is finally over.

I think this quote from Oprah Winfrey says it all: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

Happy new year!


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  1. says: Dagmar

    Liebe Catherine,
    Als Deutsch-Amerikanerin, die Frankreich sehr schätzt, vielen Dank für den Blog! Freue mich jedes Mal auf eine neue Ausgabe!
    Wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie (7?) ein gesundes Neues Jahr 2018.
    Lassen wir 2017 hinter uns und wünschen wir uns ein erfolgreiches 2018!

  2. says: Evelyne

    Catherine, your blogs are always interesting, diversified and at the same time fun to read. Wishing you a lot of energy for all your tasks and keep up your great work! Happy and joyful 2018 to you and your family :)! With regards from Switzerland.