Merry Christmas or joyeux Noel oder frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noel! Christmas Calories Don't Count

Joyeux Noel ! Merry Christmas und frohe Weihnachten!

After leaving DC last week, and spending a few days in Wiesbaden, Germany, I am now in Montpellier, in the South of France. I probably ate more of foie gras, salmon, cheese and bûche de Noel in the last hours than my doctor would find appropriate. Considering this, I just took the wise decision not to count the calories! May I suggest you do the same? I wish you all a merry Christmas!

Après un passage par Wiesbaden, c’est de Montpellier que je vous souhaite à tous un joyeux Noel ! L’allusion calories est de rigueur après les repas pantagruéliques de ces dernières heures. Digérez bien et à bientôt !

Photo credit by © gustavofrazao

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