How to be French in the US after Charlie Hebdo’s attack

A summary in pictures of January 8th and the days after.

I followed the news on Instagram, Twitter, in the newspapers. It is not easy to be French in the US at this time. So far away from friends and family.

I didn’t watch the TV.

I walked with 2.000 other people at the silent march in DC. Between us, Christine Lagarde and the French and German Ambassadors to the United States. I heard a lot of languages, and not only French or English. And I met a lot of French friends and acquaintances. It felt good. It was then easier to be French in the US.

Back to normality the day after. Working, meeting, laughing during Laurent Gerra’s podcast.

Meeting at the French Embassy on Jan. 13rd. The sign “We are Charlie Hebdo” was still there.

Meeting at the IMF on Jan. 15th. One week later, CNN is still talking about the attacks.

I finally found the first issue of Charlie after the attack (here is the  PDF of the first issue). No chance to get one of the 300 Charlie Hebdo for the United States. UPDATE: two weeks later, I received two. Thank you Family!

Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, Charb. Une mort bête et méchante.
HEADLINE Cabu, Wolinksi, Tignous, Charb. What a stupid and mean death… GOD: Cabu? It’s early day yet.
Charlie bande encore
Charlie still erected (a politically correct translation!)
Les musulmans contre le terrorisme by Charb
Signed by Charb, one of the dead caricaturist. HEADLINE: Moslems against terrorism. Demonstrators “We are dirty French people too” – Audience “How pretentious!”

Sad Charlie Brown sitting on a bench
Sad Charlie Brown – I am Charlie

Silent march for terror attacks' victims in Washington DC
Christine Lagarde, on her left Gérard Araud, the French Ambassador and on her right, Dr. Peter Wittig, the German Ambassador.
2.000 people for the silent march in Washington DC
Silent march for terror attacks’ victims in Washington DC
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis juif.
I am Charlie – I am Ahmed I am Jew.
Uderzo drawing from Asterix and Obelix
Drawing from Uderzo – Asterix and Obelix honor victims of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo.

The Washington Post covers on Monday, Jan. 12th. More than a million march in Paris
The Washington Post, More than a million march in Paris
New York Times' cover, January 12th
New York Times, the day after 3.7 million French people took the street
Cover of USA Today on January 12, 2015
USA Today, World unites
Financial Times' cover on January 12, 2015
Financial Times’ title about 3.7m French people demonstrating after Charlie Hebdo’s attack
Caricature from Luz
Caricature in Charlie Hebdo’s new issue, Jan. 13th, 2015. “And where are they, the 70 virgins?” “With Charlie Hebdo’s staff, losers!”
Sad Mohammed with I am Charlie sign
HEADLINE: All is forgiven. On the sign, I am Charlie
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