Immigration – How does Germany Compare to the US?
Immigration – How does Germany Compare to the US? In a 2014 OECD ranking, Germany…
A dual German-French citizen with more than 20 years experience in cross-border business relationships. I advise SMBs how to conduct business in the US, France, and Germany.
Immigration – How does Germany Compare to the US? In a 2014 OECD ranking, Germany…
Le saviez vous ? Plus de 10% de la population allemande est issue de l’immigration….
Do All Americans Live Like “Time is Money”? Washingtonians hurry all the time. It’s the…
Les habitants de Washington courent sans arrêt, de même qu’à Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc……
Hidden fees in the United States? I recently had an experience with AT&T that is…
Les frais cachés de vos achats aux Etats-Unis Je viens de faire une expérience chez…
I’m Quite Shaken by the Attacks in France and Germany I’m struggling to find my…
J’ai du mal à trouver mes mots aujourd’hui. Les attaques se répètent en France et…
Doing Laundry in America: Little Day-to-Day Differences Between Germany and the US Doing laundry in…
Wenn es eine Sache in meinem amerikanischen Alltag gibt, die nervt, dann ist es Wäsche…
Unrivaled National Pride in the US compared to France or Germany After two weeks traveling through…
Toujours en ballade au Québec, je ne peux m’empêcher de noter une différence notable avec…
My 10 Biggest Culture Shocks in the United States After spending three years in the…
Mes 13 plus grands chocs interculturels aux Etats-Unis Je suis là depuis trois ans, on…
Aldi came in the United States in 1976 but it was the 2008 financial crisis…
Is STIHL an American or German brand? Last year, Stihl, the worldwide market leader for chainsaws,…
How To Work With Europeans in the Summer It’s not easy for Americans to work…
Comment faire comprendre aux Américains la baisse de rythme en été ? Il n’est pas…
The Huge Business of Summer Camps in America Summer is just around the corner. A…
Summer Camps in Amerika In einer Woche ist es soweit: Ferienzeit in Maryland. Erst am…